反応熱分解ガスクロマトグラフィーによる伝統材料「油団」中の油脂成分の化学構造解析 (年間特集「火」)
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Thermochemolysis-gas chromatography (thermochemolysis-GC) in the presence of organic alkali was applied to a structural analysis of oil components in Japanese traditional carpet "yuton", consisting mainly of Japan paper and perilla oil. At first, yuton samples after 5 and 45 years of manufacture by craftsmen were subjected to thermochemolsys-GC in the presence of tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH) at 400 °C. The resulting chromatograms of both yuton samples commonly showed two characteristic peaks of dimethyl esters of dicarboxylic acids, such as suberic and azelaic acids, which had been reported to be the typical thermochemolysis products from oxidized drying oils. Particularly, in the chromatogram of the older yuton sample, the fatty acid components derived from the original perilla oil were almost missing, while the dicarboxylic acid components were observed as slightly weaker peaks than those in the case of the newer one. This observation suggests that the refractory network structures were formed through promoted oxidation of perilla oil components in the older yuton. Furthermore, it was revealed that these dicarboxylic acid components originated from the network structures based on thermochemolysis-GC measurements of perilla oil samples cured by heating for 5 hours at 100 °C. These results suggest that the network structures of oxidized oil components are formed on the surface of actual yuton increasingly over prolonged periods of time, which in turn give rise to the unique property that its strength and repellency become the highest after 20 – 30 years of use.
武田 邦彦
石田 康行
石田 康行
大谷 肇
大谷 肇
尾川 貴子
亀谷 将之
加藤 隆明
大谷 肇
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- 反応熱分解ガスクロマトグラフィーによる伝統材料「油団」中の油脂成分の化学構造解析 (年間特集「火」)
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