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For the feral house mice (<I>Mus musculus molossinus</I>) which were trapped in fallow fields of grasslands (dominated by <I>Panicum bisulcatum, Setaria viridis</I> or <I>Digitaria adscendens</I>) in Nagoya city (35°03'N, 136°57'E, alt. 5-20 m), the individuals trapped were determined age in days based on lens weight. The mice were trapped in 1979 (Dec.), 1980 (Jan, Feb., Apr., Nov., Dec., ) and 1981 (Jan.-Apr.) . It is shown that the stable age distribution has been maintained for most of the priods, and both sexes have been trapped at random. Therefore life and fertility tables for the post-weaning mice of both sexes can be determined, based on the age distribution of the trapped individuals.<BR>It is estimated that mortality is 0.65, mean expectation of life (ecological longevity) is about 2 months for age group 0 (predicted age; 15-51 days) . Most individuals are thought to die by 8 months after birth, for observed oldest mice (2 females) were 5.5 months old (95% confidence interval; 3.7-8.3 months) .<BR>It is shown that one average female produces 1.20 female youngs for her life, this population is increasing. In spite of their high mortality, their high reproductive rate enables the population to maintain their numbers.<BR>Comparison of the result of this work with that of other areas suggests that mortality and reproductive rate change with areas.<BR>Predators, such as <I>Mustela sibilica coreana</I> play probably little part on high mortality of this population. Other important determinants of mortality are not yet known but it is suggested that the dispersal of an excessive number of individuals is an important factor in affecting their mortality.
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