アミノ酸糖体抗生物質の胎仔および幼若仔獣の聴器への移行に関する研究 (山本馨教授退官記念論文集)
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It is suspected that one of the causes of congenital auditory disorders is a certain type of drug administered to a pregnant mother which hinders the development of auditory organ of the fetus. We selected 3 types of aminoglycoside antibiotics for the experimentation, namely, Kanamycin, Dideoxykanamycin B and Gentamicin to determine the influence of these drugs on rats and mice in their embryonic and infant stages.First, the above drugs were given subcutaneously to pregnant animals and infant animals, and by means of bioassay method, all three antibiotics were traced in the internal ears and other organs of the fetuses and infant animals. The transitional density of aminoglycoside antibiotics in the internal ear of mice and rats was considerably high.Next, we examined the naturally delivered newborn rats and mice to determine the Preyer's auricle reflex.It is our deduction that the period when the adverse effects of such antibiotics on hearing organs of the fetuses and the newborn appear most conspicuously is 10 to 14 days after birth.
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