耳鼻咽喉科領域における内視鏡下の組織学的検査法 (山本馨教授退官記念論文集)
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Recently, endoscopic studies in the field of the otorhinolarygnology have been developed from the viewpoint of diagnostic information and therapeutic procedures under the various endoscopies (bronchoscopy, esophagoscopy, laryngoscopy, mediastinoscopy, thoracoscopy etc.).Specific characteristics of various endoscopic studies are important from the standpoint of the histological examination. New flexible fiberscopes are a remarkable improvement over the rigid (hollow metal tube) endoscopes heretofore in use, but fiberscopes lack convenience facilities in therapeutic procedures.The various examinations done prior to endoscopy including Roentogenogram, electrocardiogram and other clinical examinations become increasingly mandatory. As specific methods in the above examinations, computarized axial tomography, endoscopic diagnosis with toluidine blue staining and tantalum bronchography are emphasized.During biopsy, the careful use of forceps or brush are important for preventation of complications and accidents.Care after biopsy: (1) prevention against scattering and loss of the specimen (2) immediate fixation of the specimen with the appropriate fixative.Care in microscopy: (1) a thorough knowledge of the tissue in both normal and abnormal conditions. (2) the significance and application of specific staining (3) the electron-microscopic knowledge of the various diseases, namely, squamous cell carcinoma, small cell anaplastic carcinoma and carcinoid etc.In a biopsy using endoscopy, the specimens are exceptionally small and are easily destroyed, therefore findings in the electron-microscopic study on the specimen are significant for diagnosing diseases in this field.
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