- 論文の詳細を見る
Human gustatory nerves, such as chorda tympani, lingual nerve and sensory component of glossopharyngeal nerve innervate the tongue and play a role in taste, pain and other senses. The gustatory nerves are regarded as a particular sensory nervous system, but the size (diametor) and the distribution of nerve fibers in those gustatory nerves have been little understood, especially in human materials.We attempted to analyse the number, size and distribution of the representative human gustatory nerves— lingual, glossopharyngeal and chorda tympani, and to compare findings with those seen in motor nerves. The materials were obtained at the time of surgery; a part of the lingual nerve and the glossopharyngeal nerve from a 68 year old female suffering from lingual pain and the chorda tympani from a 6 year old child and 38 year old male with chronic otitis media. After the preparation of those materials by fixation and sectioning in the microtome, the nerve fibers were photographed, an the diameter measured and a count made of the total number of total nerve fibers. The result showed that the chorda tympani consisted of mainly small fibers (less than 4 microns) and the lingual nerve and the glossopharyngeal nerve included larger fibers (4-8 microns) as well as small fibers. Thus the gustatory nerves have a significantly different composition of nerve fibers as compared to motor nerve.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
- 64. 内耳におけるLipofuscinの組織化学的, 電子顕微鏡学的研究
- 第35回 日本平衡神経科学会
- 第34回 日本平衡神経科学会
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- 第33回 日本平衡神経科学会秋季学会
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- ヒト嗅粘膜の加令による組織学的変化
- メニエ-ル病の側頭骨病理組織 (メニエ-ル病の研究-2-)
- 内リンパ虚脱の病理 (メニエ-ル病の研究-5-)
- タイトル無し
- Mechanism of spontaneous upbeat nystagmus
- Computerized tomography in central nervous lesions and disturbances in the oculomotor system
- 病理組織学的所見からみたメニエ-ル病の診断(臨床ノ-ト)
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