- 論文の詳細を見る
Cerocral (Ifenprodil) was administrated to 50 patients with vertigo and equilibrium disorders and in 32 patients diphenidol had been previously administrated.1) In 32 patients on diphenidol, the most effective rate was 47%, the moderately effective rate was 28% and no effect was seen in 25%.2) In all 50 patients, the most effective rate was 40%, the moderately effective rate was 30%, and no effect was seen in 26%.3) Good effects was seen in cases of the vestibular disorders with an apparent dysfunction of the central nervous system as seen in the Eye-Tracking Test and examinations for Optokinetic Nystagmus, however in some patients, good effects was seen in cases of the typical peripheral vestibular disorders in examinations.4) As a result of neuro-otological examinations, Cerocral administration proved to be more effective in those with a higher unilateral impairment (Canal paresis=CP) of the vestibular nervous system, or higher unilateral positive findings in Mild-Caloric-Eye-Tracking Pattern Test (MCETP-test).
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
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- 245 低域減感作療法(気管支喘息:治療, その他)
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- タイトル無し
- めまい患者に対するセロクラ-ル(Ifenprodil)の薬効検討--Diphenidol長期投与例を中心に