- 論文の詳細を見る
Development of body balance was studied by analyzing the gravity change of 676 children aged from 1.5 to 20 years. The gravity change was recorded by a gravicorder under the visual conditions of having the eyes open, closed and covered. The total length and area of gravity changes were measured by a computer.1. The position of the gravity centerThe gravity center was at the center of the foot in adults. It was located one fourth of the foot length anterior to the heel in the 1.5 year-old children.The gravity center moved to the foot center as the children became older.2. The total length and area of gravity change The total length and area of gravity change were the largest in the 1.5 year-old children. There was a tendency for them to decrease with age and those for children of age 17 or older were the same as adults.The gravity change was the largest when tested with eyes closed.The gravity changes of 1.5 to 14-year-old girls were smaller than those of boys; however, this relationship was reversed in children of age 15 or older.
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