Distribution of Administered Aspoxicillin in Maxillary Sinus Mucosa and Nasal Discharge.
- 論文の詳細を見る
We studied the distribution of aspoxicillin (ASPC) in the maxillary sinus mucosa after the rapid intravenous injection of this drug (2g) and the distribution of the same drug in the nasal fluid and discharge following drip infusion (2g).1. The percentage of ASPC in the maxillary sinus mucosa reached a peak (72.0% of the dose) 30 minutes after the rapid intravenous injection of the drug, and its concentration was still high (about 30%) 120 minutes after the injection. Thus, ASPC showed rapid transfer into the maxillary sinus mucosa and maintained a satisfactorily high level there after rapid injection.2. In healthy adults, the ASPC level in nasal fluid reached a peak immediately after the start of drip infusion, while in patients with sinusitis the peak was reached 60 minutes later. Thus, the transfer and attenuation of ASPC into and from the nasal fluid tended to be slower in patients with sinusitis than in healthy adults.3. The drug transfer into nasal discharge reached a peak about 60 minutes after the start of drip infusion. The transfer was rapid and the peak level was high.4. These results suggest the following method of ASPC administration for patients treated surgically. If surgery takes 60 minutes or less, only a single 2g intravenous dose is needed. If surgery takes 2 hours or more, a 1g intravenous dose should be given before surgery followed by a second 1g intravenous dose about 30 minutes (for 2-hour surgery) or 60 minutes (for 3-hour surgery) after the start of surgery. Considering the transfer of the drug into nasal fluid and discharge as well as the stress to the patient caused by drip infusion, we conclude that a 30-minute drip infusion is optimum postoperative ASPC treatment.5. ASPC was transferred into the maxillary sinus mucosa and nasal fluid and discharge in satisfactorily high levels, so it appears to be useful in the treatment of nasal and sinus infections and in the treatment and prevention of postoperative infections.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
高橋 正紘
沖中 芳彦
日吉 正明
緒方 正彦
高橋 正紘
沖中 芳彦
原 順
守谷 啓司
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