- 論文の詳細を見る
Six healthy female volunteers were trained with the rail stance test. They were asked to do 30 trials of rail stance every day for a maximum of 60 seconds with their eyes open. The training effect was evaluated by the stance time. Training ceased when stance time reached 60 s in more than half of the 30 trials. A follow-up study was done every week for one month to investigate the retention of training. Both the training effect and the retention of training showed large inter-individual differences. In addition, the retention of training showed a positive highly correlation with the duration of training required to attain the goal. The faster the progress during training, the higher the ability after training. We conclude that the speed of training and the retention of equilibrium function depend on a kind of memory in the brain, which is inherent and individually different.
- 日本めまい平衡医学会の論文
- 1995-06-01
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