The pattern of innervation in the canine arytenoid muscle.
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We carried out evoked electromyographic and histochemical studies on the canine arytenoid muscle.The canine arytenoid muscle consisted of a ventricular muscle and a transverse arytenoid muscle. When a unilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve was electrically stimulated, muscle action potentials were bilaterally detected in ventricular muscles. In the transverse arytenoid muscle, no action potential was elicited by contralateral stimulation. Histochemical studies on the arytenoid muscle were made twelve weeks after sectioning a unilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve. Atrophy of the muscle was noted only in the transverse arytenoid muscle.The results suggest that the ventricular muscle of the canine larynx is bilaterally and the transverse arytenoid muscle is ipsilaterally innervated by the recurrent laryngeal nerve.
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