- 論文の詳細を見る
The mechanism of pharyngeal swallowing has been investigated radiologically and manometrically, but few quantitative studies on the conduction velocity of swallowing pressures have been reported. We descrive two methods of measuring this velocity in the pharyngeal and cervical esophageal regions: a conduction curve of the swallowing pressure and a conduction velocity curve of the swallowing pressure.In the conduction curve, the abscissa indicates the timing of the peak of the swallowing pressure and the ordinate the distance from the naris, respectively. On this curve, a gradient indicates the conduction velocity of the swallowing pressure at each site in the above region. In normal subjects, the curve is an S-like figure, and the gradient is steep at the oropharynx and the hypopharynx. In the conduction velocity curve, the ordinate indicates the mean conduction velocity at each part of the above region.We investigated the value of these two methods. The conduction curve is superior to the conduction velocity curve in the visualization of normal or abnormal patterns of conduction of the swallowing pressure.
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