Carbonization of Johkasou Sludge Using a Continuous-type Pilot-scale Plant
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For the purpose of weight and volume reduction and resource generation, carbonization of johkasou sludge was investigated using a continuous-type pilot-scale plant with a designed capacity of 60 kg/h for dehydrated sludge. The weight reduction rate of dehydrated sludge with water content around 80% was about 90% in both direct carbonization and indirect carbonization through a drying process. In both cases, the TOC concentrations of the eluate obtained by elution tests (hereafter, eluted TOC) of the carbonized sludge tended to become lower when the preset temperature of the primary burner for sludge heating became higher. Moreover, in indirect carbonization through drying, the amount of pyrolysis gas necessary for efficient carbonization was generated by charging the dried sludge at about 50 kg/h or more, and the carbonized sludge produced had an eluted TOC concentration of 10 mg/L or less, a result that was difficult to obtain in direct carbonization. Heavy metal concentrations in the eluate of carbonized sludge were below the standards designated by Table 1 of the Japanese Prime Minister's Office Order to define the Evaluation Standards of Industrial Wastes Containing Metals, etc. The heavy metal content of the carbonized sludge also satisfied the Official Standard for Normal Fertilizer of Japan except for one sample with higher Cd and Pb. Furthermore, among the elements necessary for plant growth, namely, N, P, K, Ca and Mg, all except N were concentrated in sludge through carbonization.
- 一般社団法人 廃棄物資源循環学会の論文
河村 清史
大森 英昭
(財) 日本環境整備教育センター
牧野 好晃
(株) 日本環境管理センター
加藤 裕之
(財) 日本環境整備教育センター
渡辺 孝雄
(財) 日本環境整備教育センター
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- Carbonization of Johkasou Sludge Using a Continuous-type Pilot-scale Plant