Artifacts and Pitfalls in Carotid B-mode Scanning
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Advances have been made recently in non-invasive technology for evaluating patients with carotid occlusive disease. High-resolution carotid B-mode scanning has a significant advantage of defining the nature of the atherosclerotic plaque and its surface. However, there are still unresolved problems in evaluating data from B-mode carotid imaging. False positive and false negative scans were reviewed and then placed into four error categories : 1) technical errors ; 2) poor visualization due to the carotid artery (for example, kinking of the carotid artery, calcification, low echo plaques) ; 3) misdiagnosis due to surrounding structures (for example, lymph nodes) ; and 4) side-lobes, multiple reflections, and slice thickness artifact. The accuracy of B-mode carotid imaging is directly related to the quality of the image. To identify plaques, it is very helpful to move the transducer slowly and at a constant speed (the authors call this consecutive B-mode scanning) . B -mode carotid imaging can non-invasively access not only luminal but also intrawall anatomical information.
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