Clinical Experiences with the Treatmen of Ipsilateral Complex Fractures of the Upper Extremities in Adults.
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Our experiences with the treatment of ipsilateral complex fractures of the upper extremities in 10 patients, 7 males and 3 females, are reported here. The fractures were caused by car accidents in 6 patients, labor accidents in 3 and a fall in one.The ages of the patients ranged from 18 years to 75 years with an average of 40 years. High-velocity trauma complicated and the majority of this series of patients, and severe soft tissue injuries were associated in all these patients with an open fracture and in some with a closed fracture.The results of the treatment were affected by many factors such as the severity of the initial injury, especially a concomitant neurovascular injury, the so-called froating elbow, an open fracture and the method of treatment employed. Early internal fixation was thought essential for early rehabilitation of the injured extremity to obtain a satisfactory result.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
宮城 成圭
賀茂 和典
聖マリア病院 整形外科
安部 淳
聖マリア病院 整形外科
佐藤 直人
聖マリア病院 整形外科
大川 孝浩
聖マリア病院 整形外科
広松 聖夫
聖マリア病院 整形外科
後藤 琢也
聖マリア病院 整形外科
山下 寿
聖マリア病院 整形外科
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