- 論文の詳細を見る
Subtrochanteric fractures of the femur are sometimes difficult to immobilize because of the extraordinary stress on this area. Between 1986 and 1991, we experienced 58 fractures in 57 patients ranging from 17 to 94 years of age (mean; 58.1 years). The fractures were classified according to Seinsheiner as Type II A in 3 fractures and Type II B, Type II C, Type III A, Type III B, Type IV and Type V in 13 fractures, 11 fractures, 14 fractures, 2 fractures, 6 fractures and 9 fractures, respectively. All cases were treated by osteosynthesis, Ender nailing being carried out for 39 fractures (67%), and all fractures except one united successfully. Fractures in young patients with open reduction and anatomical fixation of the fragments obtained a good anatomical and functional result rather than blind intramedullary naling, while Ender nailing was considered to be more favorable in elderly patients and for comminuted fractures.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
賀茂 和典
聖マリア病院 整形外科
伊藤 嘉浩
薗田 恭輔
古賀 弘道
玉木 隆
後藤 琢也
聖マリア病院 整形外科
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- 大腿骨転子部骨折に対する骨接合術の治療成績
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- 骨盤骨折を伴った小児外傷例の検討
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- 大腿骨遠位部関節内骨折(AO 分類 type C)の治療成績の検討 : IMSC nail と plate 固定の比較
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- 地域基幹病院における整形外科救急患者の検討
- 成人の同側大腿骨・脛骨複合骨折の検討
- 上腕骨遠位部粉砕骨折に対する治療評価の検討
- Pilon 骨折の治療経験
- 先天性膝関節脱臼の治療経験
- 鎖骨体部骨折に対する手術療法と保存療法の比較検討
- 外傷性小腸損傷 15 例の診断学的検討
- 外傷性横隔膜損傷例の検討
- 小児大腿骨頸部骨折の治療経験
- 骨髄炎への高気圧酸素療法(HBOT)の効果の検討 : 血行性骨髄炎と外傷性骨髄炎での治療効果の比較
- 脛骨高原骨折の治療成績
- 小児上腕骨外顆骨折の治療経験
- 大腿骨頚部骨折に対する骨接合術の治療成績
- 前腕両骨骨幹部骨折の治療
- 超高齢者(90歳以上)の大腿骨頚部骨折の検討
- 42. 超高齢者の大腿骨頸部骨折の予後について : 大腿骨折-2 : 第30回 日本リハビリテーション医学会 学術集会
- 踵骨関節内骨折に対する手術法の検討
- 救急外来における高齢者頚椎外傷の検討
- 骨盤輪骨折における経カテーテル的動脈塞栓術(TAE)症例の検討
- MRSA化膿性脊椎炎16例の検討
- 小児大腿骨頸部骨折の治療成績
- 診断に鏡視を要した Predynamic Scapholunate Instability の1例
- Experience of treatment of comminuted femoral shaft fractures.
- Spontaneous and simulataneous rupture of the both quadriceps tendons.
- Postoperative Evaluation of Tibial Plateau Fractures.
- Clinical Experience of Dislocation and Fracture of the First Carpometacarpal Joint.
- Arthrodesis of the Talo-fibular Joint.
- Plating of Lower Lumbar Injuries with Pedicle Screw Plates.
- Ispilateral Complex Fracture of the Femur and Tibia in Children.
- 8.当院における下肢切断の検討 : 第31回日本リハビリテーション医学会学術集会 : 切断・義足
- 小児骨折に対するリハビリテーションの有用性について : 第27回日本リハビリテーション医学会総会 : 一括討論
- Experience with Treatment of Pelvic Fractures in Children.
- A follow-up study of epiphyseal injuries of the ankle.
- Treatment of bilateral distal end fractures of the radius.
- Clinical experience for osteosynthesis of the femoral neck fracture.
- The influence of diabetes mellitus on the surgical treatment for the fracture patients.
- Problems Associated with Treatment of Fractures of Extremitics in Patients with Chest Trauma.
- Monteggia 骨折の治療経験
- Treatment of Femoral Shaft Fractures by Locked Intramedullary Nailing.
- A study of the treatment of femoral shaft fractures in children under 6 years of age.
- Treatment of Fractures of the Lateral Humeral Condyle in Children.
- A Case of Sciatica with marked Improvement following Antidepressant Medications.
- Use and Indications of Ender's Nailing in Fractures of the Extremities Except Intertrochanteric Fractures of the Femur.
- Clinical Experience with Fractures Treated in Our General Hospital.
- Experience of treatment of traumatic patients with mental disorder.
- Clinical Result in Patients Treated with Intramedullary Nailing.
- Experiences in the Treatment of Unstable Pelvic Ring Fractures.
- Clinical Experiences with the Treatmen of Ipsilateral Complex Fractures of the Upper Extremities in Adults.
- 大腿骨転子下骨折の治療経験
- Interlocking Intramedullary Nailing of Tibial Fractures.
- Experience of Osteosynthesis in Fractures of the Shaft of Humerus with Ender Nailling.