Treatment of Femoral Shaft Fractures by Locked Intramedullary Nailing.
- 論文の詳細を見る
From 1987 to 1991, 43 fractures of the femoral shaft in 42 patients ranging in age from 17-74 years (mean; 25 years) were treated. All fractures were caused by high energy accidents. The fractures were classified according to Aoyagi as Type 1 (13 cases), Type 2 (14 cases), Type 3 (11 cases), Type 4 (2 cases) and Type 5 (3 cases).Bone healing was obtained in all cases except one (97.2%), despite a deep infection which occurred in one case. In 2 cases with floating knees and one case with a fracture near the knee slight limitation of knee motion remained. Shortening less than 1.5cm was detected in 3 cases and more than 2.5cm in 1 case. Breakage of the transverse screw occurred in 2 cases.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
後藤 琢也
賀茂 和典
聖マリア病院 整形外科
伊藤 嘉浩
後藤 昌史
吉田 豪
服巻 直也
後藤 琢也
聖マリア病院 整形外科
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- Clinical Treatment for Open Fractures of The Femoral Shaft.
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- Monteggia 骨折の治療経験
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- Fracture-dislocation of the first carpometacarpal joint; Treatment with percutaneous pin fixation.
- Treatment of subtrochanteric fracture.
- Treatment of Femoral Shaft Fractures by Locked Intramedullary Nailing.
- 踵骨関節内骨折に対する Sclamberg 手術の経験
- A study of the treatment of femoral shaft fractures in children under 6 years of age.