Results of Treatment for Comminuted Trochanteric Fractures of the Femur.
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We reviewed the clinical results of 26 cases (19 female, 7 male) with comminuted trochanteric femoral fractures. 22 cases can be classified into type I-group 4 (17 cases) and type II (5 cases) according to Evans' classification. Remaining 4 cases were unclassified. The age range at time of injuny was 36-91 years, with average age of 74.Four out of 26 cases (15%) had a poor or impossible gait after treatment. Stress experienced during surgery was large and postoperative treatment took a long time. This tendency showed up stronger in the plate group (9 cases) compared to that of the CHS group (12 cases). Deformity on X-p postoperatively was seen in 5 cases (20%) of which 4 belonged to the CHS group. These results suggested the importance of selection of operative methods and the need for combination of materials for internal fixation in each of the cases presented.
- 異なるコンピュータ利用スキルを持つ学生集団に対する Web を用いたマルチレベル同時平行指導
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- タイトル無し
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