End-results of severely comminuted fracture of the femoral shaft.
- 論文の詳細を見る
Ten cases (7 male and 3 female ) of severely comminuted fractures of the femoral shaft were mainly treated by K-U plate. The follow-up period was 20 months in an average ranging from 5 months to 58 months. The fractures were classified into 3 types in order of seventies of comminution, and evaluated as our operative methods. Union was obtained in all cases. Slight Lower limb-length discrepancy was noted, however there was no case of limping.
堤 幸彦
西川 英夫
佐賀医科大 整形外科
忽那 龍雄
佐賀医科大学 地域保健・老人看護学講座
松下 和徳
佐賀医科大学 整形外科
南 尚次
堤 幸彦
佐賀医科大学 整形外科
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