Effects of the Foot Angle Influencing the Lateral Thrust in Normal and Osteoarthritic Knees.
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An accelerometric technique was performed on 21 osteoarthritic (OA) and 21 normal knees to analyze the lateral thrust (sideways movemant of the knee in the early stance phase) for the purpose of evaluating the influence of changes in the foot angle upon gait. The lateral thrust was measured under the following conditions 1) usual walking; 2) toe-in gait; 3) toe-out gait; 4) tip-toe gait; 5) heel gait. Both in the OA and normal groups, the lateral thrust was significantly decreased during toe-ingait and tip-toe gait and it was in creased during the toe-out and heel gaits. OA patients were recommended to walk using the toe-in gait to avoid knee pain produced in the early stance phase.
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