Synovial Chondromatosis of the Wrist-A Case Report.
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Synovial chondromatosis in the wrist is an uncommon lesion. We report a case of a 45-year-old man who showed pain on motion and swelling of his left wrist. A smooth and elastic hard mass was palpable at the distal radioulnar joint. Roent genograms showed diffuse, discrete, small calcifications around the ulnar head and the distal radioulnar joint. MRI suggested that there was a mass lesion around the ulnar head. At surgery, hundreds of small, white free bodies were seen. Cartilagenous nodules surrounded by synovial tissue with no ossification were seen in histological examination to distinguish synovial chondromatosis from chondrosarcoma. Due to similarity between clinical and histological features it is difficult. Eight months after surgery, the patient had a full range of joint motion without pain, and no signs of recurrence.
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