- 論文の詳細を見る
Among nine kinds of chemical constituents of lake prawn Palaemon paucidens, fractions of amino acids, volatile bases, betaines and aldehydes showed high attraction index a for oriental weatherfish Misgurumus anguillicaudatus. The attaction indexes a of the two former substances were approximately equivalent to that of the whole extract obtained by the trichloroacetic acid treatment. The amino acids were more effective in attraction than the volatile bases, while the combination of these two constituents showed a collaborative attraction effect. Neutral and basic amino acids in the amino acid constituents attracted the fish remarkably at different concentrations and the attraction activity of the latter was higher than that of the former. On the other hand, acidic amino acids were ineffective in attraction. Ammonia and dimethylamine in the volatile bases were more attactive at different concetrations than trimethylamine. Thus, it was conclued that the amino acids and the volatile bases, especially basic amino acids, ammonia and dimethylamine, are feeding attractants for the fish.
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