English/Japanese literal and free translation versions of the M-G Personality Questionnaire:Inter-contextual matching of responses in Americans and Japanese
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Japanese Forms H (J-H) and S (J-S), and English Forms H (E-H) and S (E-S), of the M-G were developed. E-H was constructed by literal-translation, E-S by free-translation of J-S and J-H by literal-translation of E-S. Each Form S represented self-cultural context (SCC) and Form H hetero-cultural context (HCC). Americans exhibited social-maladjustment in SCC and personal-adjustment in HCC whereas Japanese exhibited positive, dissimulating and socially-adjusted-tendencies differently in HCC and SCC. Among Americans, personal-maladjustment tendency decreased and social-adjustment tendency increased when Forms H and S were repeated. American personality characteristic (positivism) correlated negatively with Japanese mode of behavior, and Japanese personality characteristic (cooperativeness) with Western mode of behavior. A distance (D) calculated in each subject between the profiles of the scores in the 13 scales of J-H and J-S, or E-H and E-S constituted a measure of the level of intercontextual matching of responses (ICM). Pearsonian correlations indicated that the smaller the D (i.e., the greater the ICM) of Americans and Japanese, the greater the self-efficacy for behaving in HCC. Such an ICM (or flexibility) increased through repeated alternate experiences in SCC and HCC. Americans were more stereotyped, whereas Japanese were more flexible, intercontextually.
- 公益社団法人 日本心理学会の論文
- 教授・学習7(651〜659)(部門別研究発表題目・質疑応答・討論の概要)
- 教授・学習3(613〜618)(部門別研究発表題目・質疑応答・討論の概念)
- 7 教科(2)(日本教育心理学会第11回総会部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
- 3 測定・評価 : f 適性(日本教育心理学会第9回総会部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
- 人格(315〜323)(部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
- 人格4(421〜429)(部門別研究発表題目・質疑応答・討論の概念)
- 人格1(401〜408)(部門別研究発表題目・質疑応答・討論の概要)
- 5B-6 壮年期と高齢期の人格特性の比較研究(1)(発達5B)
- 425 中学生の達成動機と社会的逸脱傾向の研究(人格3,研究発表)
- 631 社会的動機(達成と養護)とその場面認知に関する研究(その5)(社会4,研究発表)