- 論文の詳細を見る
Purpose: This study aimed at clarifying the relationship between rigidity and adjustment as well as the qualitative and quantitative aspects of rigidity in persons with normal intelligence. Main problems we studied were:1) It is said that organisms with some organic or functional handicap in cerebrum have in general rigidity. Dose it apply to persons with normal intelligence?2) It is said that the longer are persons in social isolation, the more increases rigidity. Is this true?3) It is said that the more intensive stress have persons, the more increases rigidity. Is the rigidity caused by these various conditions the same or not?Subjects: 80 persons were used as Ss, 20 for each of 4 groups; cerebral palsy, polio, amputations, and normal groups. All the Ss had normal intelligence, were not feebleminded, and lived in groups. Their age ranged from 16 to 35.Method:1) Dot configuration test……the similar method to Werner's.2) Concept formation test……the same method as Zaslow used.3) Water jar test…The test material was revised by adding an extinction question to the one used by Cowen.4) Rorschach test5) Personality rigidity inventoryResults: 1) Physically handicapped groups with motor functional defect showed more rigidity than the normal. Though there were individual differences, three groups of c. p., polio, amputation had each some what different rigidity.2) For persons with organic defect in cerebrum, even if there was no handicap in intelligence, abnormal perseveration responses in perception were seen and their personality, as a whole had rigidity and, in particular, intensive constriction and perseveration.3) Persons with long social isolation due to motor functional handicap since childhood had some perseveration in perception. But their signs of rigidity were found in such conditions as they had difilculty to shift their mental set and to adjust themselves to others' emotional need, and as they showed repressive tendency more intensively than the other groups.4) Persons who were handicapped comparatively recently showed rather intense invariability in conceptformation and their personality had strong emotional nervousnesss, conflict and anxiety. So their rigidity was seen in their conventional attitude of not easily bein friendly to others. To them influence of stress was stronger than that of isolation.5) Wefound that abnormal perseveration responses in perception were basically caused by cerebral defect. The rigidity on other levels, however, seemed to be not general but specific to each kind of deficiency.6) As to the rigidity of normal persons with normal intelligence, further studies are necessary on both qualitative and quantitative aspects of rigidity and on the relationship between rigidity and adjustment as well as rigidity and personality.
- 公益社団法人 日本心理学会の論文
- 7 教科(2)(日本教育心理学会第11回総会部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
- 3 測定・評価 : f 適性(日本教育心理学会第9回総会部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
- 人格(315〜323)(部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
- 5B-6 壮年期と高齢期の人格特性の比較研究(1)(発達5B)
- 425 中学生の達成動機と社会的逸脱傾向の研究(人格3,研究発表)
- 631 社会的動機(達成と養護)とその場面認知に関する研究(その5)(社会4,研究発表)
- 725 新しい達成動機測度の項目研究(測定・評価3,口頭発表)
- 705 学業成績の予測要因の研究(測定・評価)
- 人格(356〜361)(部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
- 360 因果帰属と学業成績 : 知能との関係(人格3-9,300 人格)
- 317 因果帰属とOver-and Under-Achieverとの関係(3)
- 316 因果帰属と達成動機及びSelf-Esteemの関係(2)
- 315 因果帰属とPrior-Subsequent Expectancyの関係(1)
- 11 通信教育における受講動機に関する研究 : II. 面接法による(7.教科)
- 10 通信教育における受講動機に関する研究 : I. 質問紙法による(7.教科)
- 345 進路指導における男女差の研究(適性,3.測定・評価)
- 人格3(417〜425)(部門別研究発表題目・質疑応答・討論の概要)
- 621 青少年の社会的逸脱行動(9)(社会3,研究発表)
- 620 青少年の社会的逸脱行動(8)(社会3,研究発表)
- 424 青少年の社会的逸脱行動(5)(人格3,研究発表)
- 423 青少年の社会的逸脱行動(4)(人格3,研究発表)
- ストレスと認知的評価--パ-ソナリティアセスメントとコ-ピングスキルについて
- 適性と学業成績にもとづく高校生の類型化と総合評価および学業成績の予測 : 多変量解析法による
- 344 進路指導資料としての性格検査 : 高校学業成績とパーソナリティ(適性,3.測定・評価)
- 401 M-G性格検査「英語版」の作成(III) : 意訳版と直訳版による異文化間適応度の検討(人格1,研究発表)
- 423 M-G性格検査「英語版」の作成(1) : 直訳版と意訳版による日米文化差の検討(人格の測定,人格)
- 健康心理学に期待するもの(「健康の社会心理学」)
- 心理学の研究法について
- 投影法形式による達成動機測定法の研究(特定・総合・一般研究要約)
- 故赤松保羅名誉教授 (〔赤松保羅先生追悼〕)
- 清原健司先生のユニ-クな発想 (清原健司教授追悼特集号)
- 自動車セールスマンの販売成績と人格特性
- ロールシヤッハ・テストにおける反応の質的評価に関する研究-1-
- 硬さに関する研究--運動機能障害との関係について
- 最近におけるRorschach Testの決定因に関する文献
- 人格適応と高校学業成績の予測
- 進路指導資料の妥当性と利用に関する研究
- English/Japanese literal and free translation versions of the M-G Personality Questionnaire:Inter-contextual matching of responses in Americans and Japanese
- 実践研究の課題と方法(シンポジウムII,広島大会シンポジウム報)