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The prognosis is very poor in patients with acute respiratory failure (ARF) due to active pulmonary tuberculosis, especially in those who necessitate mechanical ventilation. The underlining factors of ARF are low nutrition, old age and severity because of patients delay and doctors delay. So, management consists of two parts, one, early patient detection considering of tuberculosis and early treatment, the other, focused control to high risk groups.<BR>Patients with chronic respiratory failure due to pulmonary tuberculosis sequelae have long insidious period and mainly restrictive, sometimes mixed pulmonary dysfunction. Hypercapnea, pulmonary hypertension and respiratory disorder during sleep are seen in high percentage in them. In acute on chronic failure the principles of therapy are treatment of precipitating factors such as respiratory infection or congestive heart failure, controlled (low flow) oxygen therapy, bronchial hygiene and maintaining adequate pulmonary and circulatory condition. In chronic stage patient education is very important. Management of chronic stage is constructed of nutrition control, long-term oxygen therapy, pharmacological therapy, pulmonary rehabilitation including controlled breathing technique, physical chest therapy and exercise training. Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation is effective on improvement of prognosis in chronic respiratory failure, and on treatment in acute on chronic failure.
- 日本結核病学会の論文
- 2003-02-15
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