- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper reports a patient who showed no clinical findings of pulmonary tuberculosis and whose fluoroscopic finding of the alimentary tract showed ulcerative colitis. Tuberculous bacilli were proved in feces by culture. The patient showed a dramatic improvement by applying antituberculous drugs.<BR>The patient was a 41-year-old woman without any past and family history of tuberculosis. Since September 1969, diarrhea, abdominal pain, mild, fever, sweating at night and loss of weight had appeared. Because no improvement was observed with therapies for gastroenteritis, the patient was admitted to Department of Internal Medicine of Saiseikai Kanagawaken Hospital on December 27, 1969. Laboratory examinations on admission showed accelerated erythrocyte sedimentation rate, anemia, hypoproteinemia and hypopotassemia. The stool revealed positive occult blood test, but Triboulets reaction was negative. Tuberculin reaction was moderately positive. The acidity of gastric juice was normal, and the tests for digestion and absorption showed normal values.
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