- 論文の詳細を見る
Twenty cases of miliary tuberculosis which have been experienced during the last five years in Keio University hospital and other three hospitals were clinically studied. The results were summarized as follows:<BR>1) Nine cases were comp l icated with the following primary diseases: myelocytic leukemia in three cases, systemic lupus erythematosis in one case, rheumatic diseases in three cases, arthritis deformans in one case, cancer of colon in one case.<BR>It was obvious that in seven cases with primary dis e a ses and another one case who was misdiagnosed as sarcoidosis, miliary tuberculosis was induced by corticosteroid.<BR>The cases with primary disease and/or induced by corticosteroid were designated as A-group and the other cases were designated as B-group.<BR>2) The average age of A-group was older than that of B-group and all the cases of Agroup were female. The leve l of blood sedimentation rate and r-globulin were higher in A-group, but bacilli positive cases were found less in cases of A-group.<BR>3) The fatality rate of A and B grou p were 60 and 30% respectively. Two cases with leukemia died of haemorrhage.<BR>4) The avera g e interval from the onset of miliary tuberculosis to the disappearance of the shadow on X-ray was over 68 weeks in A-group and 28 weeks in B-group.<BR>5) Many tuberculous complications were obsered: meningitis in six cases, coxitis in one case, renal tuberculosis in one case, erythema induratum Bazin and abscess in oral cavity in one case. There were four cases who have had interesting complications and/or unusual course: one case showed the symptome of diabetes inspidus during the course of tuberculous meningitis and one case showed leukemoid reaction. The child of one case died of miliary tuberculosis. In one case with leukemia, the blood picture improved simultaneously as miliary tuberculosis manifested.<BR>6) The i nterval between the beginning of the administration of steroid and the manifestation of miliary tuberculosis ranged from one to seventeen months. It was noticed that miliary tuberculosis appeared at shorter interval after the administration of steroid among cases with leukemia or systemic lupus erythematosis.
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