卵殻通過ならびに増殖について (鶏卵のArizona汚染に関する実験的研究-1,2-)
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In order to elucidate the cause of the contamination of eggs with Arizona, experiments were conducted concerning penetration through the egg shell and multiplication of the organisms in egg contents. The following results were obtained.1. When eggs were soaked instantaneously into Arizona-grown broth and dried on filter paper, it took 10 days for the organisms to penetrate the egg shell and reach egg yolk. Once the organisms reached egg yolk, they began to multiply rapidly. The cell count attained 108/ml both in egg yolk and in white within 1 or 2 days.2. The penetration rate of the organisms was relatively low at a humidity ranging from 50 to 90%, whereas it became strikingly high at a humidity of 95% or over. This difference seemed to be related to the fact that the survival rate and mobility of the organisms on the egg shell differed greatly over a wide range of humidity.3. The organisms grew and multiplied more markedly in egg yolk than in egg white. The optimal temperature for growth was approximately 37C in egg yolk, but it was characteristically around 25C in egg white. These results clearly indicate that Arizona can penetrate the egg shell and grow in the egg contents under suitable conditions.
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