ハブ毒とエラブウミヘビ毒の研究 : 両蛇毒の生物的毒性の概要ならびにタンニン酸の毒性阻止効果について
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This paper outlines the natures of Habu snake and Erabu sea snake and properties and actions of their venoms. Moreover was described the effect of tannic acid on the venoms.Habu snake (Trimereserus flavoviridis) is venomous, landinhibiting on the Amami islands and about 150cm long. The victims of Habu snake bite was estimated at 250 to 300 each year. The death rate during recent 7 years was more than 1 per cent. The minimal lethal dosis for mice, weighing 15 to 17g. was about 150γ/0.1ml by intramusculare injection. It was considered that the venom was composed of haemorrhagic, angiotoxic and myolytic factors, which were completly inactivated by heating at 100C for 10 minutes, and heat-stable myolytic factor.Erabu sea snake (Laticauda semifasciata) lives on the coast of Amami Oshima, and has strong fatal venoms. Minimal lethal dosis, in experiments with mice weighing 15 between 17g., was about 6γ/0.1ml by the intramusculare injections. Erabu sea snake venom is considered to have chiefly neurotoxic component which was relatively stable in heating.It was recognized that the toxic activities of the venoms of these different species were inhibited by aqueous solution of tannic acid; a 8.5% solution inactivated lethal and local haemorrhagic activities of 500γ/0.1ml of Habu snake venom, and fatal toxicities of 25γ/0.1ml of Erabu sea snake venom.The above mentioned effect of tannic acid on the venoms may be due to coagulations of the venom and tissue proteins by tannic acid.
- 日本細菌学会の論文
本間 学
本間 学
三島 章義
小此木 丘
阿部 良治
佐藤 信
小管 隆夫
三島 章義
小此木 丘
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