ハブに関する研究 : I. 奄美群島産ハブの食性について
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Over 5 years surveys on the food habits of 'Habu', poisonous snake, in nature in the Amami Islands were carried out since September of 1959 and the results were summarized as follows : 1. 927 cases were examined and these animals as food of Habu in nature belong in 43 species, 38 genera and 27 families of whole classes of Vertebrata, i. e. 85.9% of them belonged in Mammal, 6.6% of birds, 4.9% of Reptile, 2.5% of Amphibia and 0.2% of Pisces. 2. 17 species of animals were newly found as the food of Habu. 3. House rats and water rats occupied of 82.5% of whole cases examined and the author believes that the house rat is very important one as the food of Habu. 4. Main food of young snake was cold-blooded animals as Reptile and that of adult was warm-blooded animals, especially house-rats. 5. Rats occupy majority of food all year round but the rate of bird becomes higher in autumn. 6. Territory of Habu varies in wide range from field to around residence area and Habu likes house rats so much that residence area must be dangerous zone of chance of Habu attack. 7. Nocturnal activity of Habu and its activity of climbing tree and invasion to residence were proved by its food habits. 8. Sizes of food vary by size of snake and sometimes its takes same size of food as its own body length. 9. Foods are swallowed from head and also digested from there. 10. New knowledges on taxonomy and ecology of food animals were obtained from these series of surveys.
- 1966-03-31
- 104 アマガエルの体表粘液による眼障害について
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- 12 糸状虫に関する研究 : オオクロヤブカ体内で被嚢化されたマレー糸状虫 (B. m.) 幼虫の組織学的観察
- 25 糸状虫に関する研究 XV オオクロヤブカ体内で被嚢化されたマレー糸状虫幼虫の組織学的観察 (2)
- 9 ネッタイシマカの esterase における寒天電気泳動法の検討
- 21 糸状虫に関する研究 : 蚊のフィラリア感受性に関する遺伝学的研究 (2)
- 20 糸状虫に関する研究 : 長日および短日条件下のアカイエカ体内における Brugia pahangi 幼虫の発育
- ハブならびにハブ咬症に関する研究 (Tr.-3) : ハブの行動解析, 特に照度との関係について
- ハブの自意的行動の解析, 特に照度との関係について(第 17 回大会講演要旨)
- 112 ヤマカガシ頸腺毒の毒性に関する研究 (2)
- 7 農業基盤整備のハブ駆除効果と問題点
- 86 ハブ駆除モデル研究 (2) : 環境整備によるハブの駆除実験(56 年度の成績)
- 2 畑地帯総合土地改良事業のハブ駆除効果第 2 報
- 52 ハブ駆除モデル研究 (I) : 手々部落内ハブ出現数の変動について
- 56 徳之島町諸田・徳和瀬地区のハブ生息状況
- 16 ハブ駆除に関する研究 : I 捕獲成績からみた与路島のハブ生息状況 (1)
- 61 捕獲成績からみた徳之島のハブ生息状況 (II)
- ハブの身体計測値より見た雌雄の特徴並びに食性について (第 1 報)(第 13 回大会講演要旨)
- ハブ活動の消長と咬症の関係
- ハブに関する研究 III. : ハブの夜間活動性について
- ハブに関する研究 : I. 奄美群島産ハブの食性について
- はぶの季節的消長, 日週活動と咬症の関係について(第 19 回大会講演要旨)
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