Changes of Alpha-Tocopherol Levels in Red Blood Cells and Plasma with Respect to Hemolysis Induced by Dialuric Acid in Vitamin E-Deficient Rats
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The plasma and red blood cell (RBC) levels of alphatocopherol in rats were determined in association with hemolysis induced by dialuric acid for a 7-week period of tocopherol deprivation following a 2-week period on tocopherol-containing diet. The patterns of decreases in plasma and RBC levels during the 7-week period were similar, differing in one respect. The RBC levels were characterized by a prompt decrease to non-detectable levels in the 4th week, while at that time a plasma level of 100μg/dl, albeit low, was maintained during the subsequent two weeks. Consequently, tocopherol ratios of RBC to plasma lowered throughout the experimental course. As for the relationship between these levels and hemolysis values, nonhemolysis was recorded in animals whose minimum RBC and plasma levels were 40μg/dl packed cell and 180μg/dl, respectively. This experiment showed that the plasma tocopherol level which has traditionally been accepted as the only index of hemolysis values does not always reflect them, and that in animals with hemolysis, only .RBC tocopherol levels were found to reflect hemolysis values.
- 財団法人 学会誌刊行センターの論文
北川 真
美濃 真
Department of Pediatrics, Osaka Medical College
中川 茂雄
Department of Pediatrics, Osaka Medical College
北川 真
Department of Pediatrics, Osaka Medical College
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- Changes of Alpha-Tocopherol Levels in Red Blood Cells and Plasma with Respect to Hemolysis Induced by Dialuric Acid in Vitamin E-Deficient Rats
- Studies on the factors influencing the hydrogen peroxide hemolysis test.
- Tocopherol level in human blood cells.
- Difference in plasma- and red blood cell-tocopherols in breast-fed and bottle-fed infants.
- Free radical-mediated damage of blood and its inhibition by antioxidants.
- A nutritional evaluation of vitamin E status in very low birth weight infants with respect to changes in plasma and red blood cell tocopherol levels.
- Galactose absorption after oral administration of lactose in neonates.
- Alpha-tocopherol and fatty acid levels in red blood cells in patients treated with antiepileptic drugs.
- Chemiluminescence in vitamin E-deficient erythrocytes initiated by xanthine oxidase reaction, in relation to the accumulation of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances.
- Comparative changes in plasma and RBC .ALPHA.-tocopherol after administration of dl-.ALPHA.-tocopheryl acetate and d-.ALPHA.-tocopherol.
- Effects of elevated d-alpha (RRR)-tocopherol dosage in man.
- Membrane-to-membrane transfer of tocopherol in red blood cells.
- Simple method of tocopherol determination in plasma lipoprotein fractions using a heparin-Ca precipitation technique.
- Tocopherol concentration in platelets in normal children and adults.