Angiomyoma of the upper lip region: Report of a case.
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The angiomyoma is a rare tumor which is most frequently observed on the skin, especially that of the lower extremities of women over the age of 30 years. In the oral cavity it constitutes a rare lesion because of less smooth muscle.<BR>A 37-years-old man was referred by a surgeon with a swelling in the left side of his upper lip. The patient had first noticed the swelling about six years previously and awared that it gradually enlarged during the last year. At no time had the swelling been painful.<BR>The lesion was painless, approximately 2.5×2.0cm in size and normally colored without induration. The regional lymph nodes were not enlarged. The clinical diagnosis was benign tumor. It was easily excised under local anesthesin and the specimen, a whitish-yellow smooth encapsulated mass of 2.0×1.5cm in diameter, was sent for histological examination. The final histologic diagnosis was angiomyoma of the upper lip.<BR>There has been no recurrence as of eight months after operation.
- 社団法人 日本口腔外科学会の論文
藤本 毅
稲本 浩
松本 修平
伊藤 暖果
藤本 毅
松本 修平
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