Synthesis of collagenase inhibitor by KB cells.
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Collagenase inhibitor has been characterized and identified in a variety of connective tissues. This paper reports the purification and characterization of the collagenase inhibitor secreted by KB cells in culture.<BR>Results were as follows:<BR>1. KB cells in the serum free culture medium secreted collagenase inhibitor.<BR>2. Collagenase inhibitor was divided into two peaks by CM-52 column chromatography.<BR>Molecular weights of the inhibitor were estimated to be 32, 000 and 16, 500 by gel filtration.<BR>3. The addition of the inhibitor to activated collagenase resulted in a dose-dependent inhibition of the enzyme activity.<BR>4. The KB cell inhibitor showed inhibitory activity against all the animal collagenase tested except for bacterial collagenase.<BR>5. Trypsin, thermolysin and elastase were not inhibited by the KB cell inhibitor.<BR>6. The collagenase inhibitory activity was stable after treatment with APMA (1 mM) at 35°C for 3 h., after incubation for 30 min. at 60°C, but was lost by reductive alkylation.
- 社団法人 日本口腔外科学会の論文
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- Synthesis of collagenase inhibitor by KB cells.