ディ-ゼル噴霧の着火過程に関する一考察 (燃料油・燃焼特集)
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The ignition process of fuel sprays into high pressure high temperature atmosphere has been studied experimentally and theoretically, and a new concept for the ignition process has been proposed. From the experiments, it has been found that the ignition of fuel spray occurs at the stagnation region of the fuel spray tip. The stagnation velocity gradient at the fuel spray tip, proportional to the fuel spray tip speed and inversely proportional to the fuel spray tip width, decreases rapidly with time from the start of fuel injection or with distance from the fuel nozzle tip. Based on the experimental results, a new model for fuel spray ignition has been proposed. The equations governing ignition phenomena in the stagnation flow field have been solved by the asymptotic method to obtain the ignitable limit and ignition time in the stagnation region at the fuel spray tip. The ignition behavior of the fuel spray can be well explained by considering the effects of the stagnation velocity gradient at the fuel spray tip on the ignition reaction time of the fuel-air system. The ignition delay of a fuel spray is divided into two parts: one is the time spent for reducing the velocity gradient at the spray tip below the critical velocity gradient for ignition; the other part is the time for an ignition reaction at the given velocity gradient. Since the latter is much smaller than the former, most of the ignition delay is time for reducing the velocity gradient at the fuel spray tip below the critical velocity gradient for ignition. The ignition delay of diesel sprays can be predicted fairly well by using the above concept.
- 公益社団法人 日本マリンエンジニアリング学会の論文
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- ディ-ゼル噴霧の着火過程に関する一考察 (燃料油・燃焼特集)