- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to analyse the effects of daily habits on deciduous molar caries by the cohort method. The incidence and the severity of molar caries were studied by analysis of variance.<BR>The analyses were performed on the different effects from each ca ies score, which was determined by differences in the individual daily habits.<BR>These were studied by using Hayashi's Quantification Scaling Type 1. The results were as follws:<BR>1. As caries scores, we recorded the following items: the dmft of deciduous molars, the dmt of high grade molar caries, the dmfs of occlusal, smooth, and proximal surfaces, the dmfs of the distal surface of the first deciduous molar and the mesial surface of the second deciduous molar at the age of six.<BR>The correlation between the individual caries scores and the daily habits of the subjects was studied by analysis of variance.<BR>It was, obvious that caries inductive factors from different individual inake of sweetened beverages influenced the dmfs of smooth surfaces, and the different individual intakes of sweets influenced the dmfs of occlusal surfaces.<BR>Therefore, these two factors showed a difference in the effective period of time in regard to deciduous molar caries.<BR>2. Selected factors from previous studies had less than 5 percent singnificance and were determined as "explanatory variables" by analysis of variance. Each caries score was selected as a"criterion variable"for Quantification Scaling Type 1. Then the incidence and the severity of deciduous molar caries were analysed in detail by using each category of daily habits.<BR>3. The incidence of dmft of deciduous molar carise was influenced by sweetened beverages and sweets intake as a positive caries factor, and milk intake as a negative caries factor at the age of three.<BR>Nevertheless, there was no effect on caries control from the improvement of the sweets intake. But the effect on caries control from improvement of the sweetened beverage intake was very clear.<BR>4. As regards the severity of molar caries, there was an effect on caries control from the improvement of sweets intake. It was also clear that the constant restriction of sweetened beverages controls the severity of molar caries. Since these children received an periodical oral examination along with fluoride application and the consultaion for dental hygiene more than 4 times, fewer severe molar caries teeth were seen in these children.<BR>5. As regards the occlusal surface caries, there was no effect on caries control from improvement in sweets intake. On the other hand, there was a clear effect on caries control from improvement of sweetened beverage intake on the smooth surface caries. The effect on caries control was seen on smooth surface by the restriction of sweets intake at the the age of three. However, to this effect was not seen when improvement of sweets intake was established after the age of three.<BR>6. There was no effect on caries control on the distal surface caries of first deciduous molar from improvement of sweets intake.<BR>On the contrary, control of mesial surface caries of second deciduous molar was accomplished by the improvement of sweets intake as well as reduction in the severity of molar caries. This accomplishment was made after the age of three.<BR>7. These findings suggested that effective period of time for molar caries occurence from sweets intake was earlier than that from sweetened beverage intake. This is a very important factor for establishing the prevention of various surface caries in deciduous molars, of which the most susceptable period of time was different.
及川 清
及川 清
谷 宏
栗田 啓子
佐藤 芳彰
栗田 啓子
日田 昇一
佐藤 芳彰
兵藤 博昭
鈴木 敏則
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