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Low temperature oxygen plasma ashing has been an advantageous pretreatment method for the determination of some kinds of trace elements in biological materials, but it has not been reported as a pretreatment procedure for fluorine quantification.<BR>We examined the suitability of a low temperature ashing system (BRANSON/IPC 1005-248 AN Low Temperature Asher) as pretreatment of biological materials (both solid and fluid samples) to assess their fluorine contents. Gas chromatography (GC) and a fluorine ionselective electrode (F electrode) were used for the analysis of the fluorine content in the materials after they were pretreated by ashing.<BR>Using calf serum and NBS standard reference materials (orchard leaves and oyster tissue), we studied the operating conditions of the ashing apparatus and the necessity for the addit ion of some fixatives. When a known amount of NaF was added to the calf serum, a good determination reproducibility with a coefficient of variation of 0.08 and recovery rates of 85 to 90% was obtained in both cases when analysis was done by GC and F electrode without any addition of fixatives. The levels of fluorine content in NBS standard reference materials analyzed by GC after being ashed were almost equal to the NBS's noncertified values but only when fixatives were added.<BR>Walso employed the ashing method for analyzing ionizable Fand total F in the blood plasma of rats given drinking water containing 0, 50, 100 and 200 ppm F for 10 days with the combined use of GC and the F electrode. Both ionizable and total F in the plasma were increased by increases of fluoride (NaF) in the drinking water. The ionizabletototal F ratio was found to be significantly higher in the blood plasma of those rats given drinking water containing over 50 ppm fluorine than in the control group. The total F value obtained from the same plasma sample after being ashed was generally higher in GC analysis than in F electrode measurement. The reason for this difference is unclear for the moment and further elucidation of the problem will be required
- 有限責任中間法人 日本口腔衛生学会の論文
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