葉の界面化學的研究 : (第1報)濡れの測定法と測定例
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1. We designed a method to measure the apparent adhesion tension of liquid against a rough surface such as the plant leaf. The values of organic liquids against glass surface comparatively agreed with those of BARTELLs(3). 2. The results of measurement of the wetting of various, leaves, paraffin coated glass and paraffin coated wire netting are as follows: (A) It is necessary for wetting that the adhesion tension is larger than the surface tension of liquid. (B) It is convenient to assume three types in the wetting of the plant leaf: (a) Ar<σ; (b) Ar>σ, Aa<0; (c) Ar>σ, Aa>0. Ar: the receding adhesion tension, Aa: the advancing adhesion tension, σ: the surface tension of liquid) (c) It is reasonable to assume that the ether-soluble substances (such as wax) of leaf surface are more useful in protecting the leaf surface from denaturation by water rather than from wetting. (d) The strong alkali is dangerous in causing injury on rice-plant leaves.
- 社団法人 日本農芸化学会の論文
能勢 和夫
National Institute Of Agro-environmental Sciences
鈴木 照麿
能勢 和夫
能勢 和夫
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- PCPの土壌吸着(第1報) : PCP吸着の大きさとその表わし方
- 5 土壌中におけるクロールピクリンの簡易定量法(関東支部講演会講演要旨)
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- 錯鹽生成によるボルドー液の溶出に就て
- 32. PCPの畑土壌中における分解
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- 滲透水によるPCPの流出
- 7. 農薬の安全施用法 : 7-1. 農薬の土壌吸着
- 葉の界面化學的研究 : (第1報)濡れの測定法と測定例
- 7-3. PCP