菌類による左旋性エチレンオキサイド-α, β-ヂカルボン酸の生産 : (第6報) C14O2存在下におけるMonilia formosaの醗酵
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Glucose was fermented by the preformed mycelium of Monilia formosa in the presence of radioactive carbon dioxide and the fermentation products were examined. Fumarylglycidic and citric acids were isolated chromatographically (Fig: 2) and degraded. The carboxyl carbons of fumarylglycidic acid were shown to have about the same specific activity as mean value. of the specific activities of 1-C and 6-C in citric acid carbons. Therefore both acids seem to be metabolically related according to the Scheme 1. Furthermore, the qua- ntitative participation of WOOD-WERKMAN reaction in the formation of both acids was supported by the data obtained, though this experiment could not provide rigorous proof that observed carbon dioxide pick up was true fixation rather than mere exchange. Besides fumarylglycidic and citric acids one unknown acid was produced, by the mold. This acid behaved very similarly with α-ketoglutaric acid on the silicagel chromatogram, but isotopic examination clearly denied the identity.
- 社団法人 日本農芸化学会の論文
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