ユキツバキに関する研究 (第1報) : 新潟県における野生および栽培ツバキの変異と分布について
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Snow-Camellia is a new species which is natively distributed near the northern limit .of camellia distribution along the coast of Japan Sea. As Niigata Prefecture is situated approximately in the center of the distribution of Snow-Camellia, Camellia, as well as wild and cultivated Snow-Camellias are observed in various parts within the prefecture, the authors aimed to investigate the distribution and the variation of them to contribute to breeding camellia. In the mountainous districts up to about 1, 400 meters above the sea level, many pure wild Snow-Camellias were widely distributed, and in the plain district near the coast which includes Sado Island, Snow-Camellia and Japonica-Camellia grew together, and the intermediate type formed as the result of cross-fertilization between the two species were found, too. Lots of Snow and Japonica-Camellia having ornamental value were witnessed in the farm yards, and those promising strains seemed to be originated from the native species in the neighborhood. The distribution of cultivated Snow and Japonica-Camellia was almost coincided with that of the wild camellia. As the cultivated Snow-Camellia had furnished abundant variations in form, size, and color of flower, it is expected that it must be favorable materials for camellia breeding, even though its ecological characters are ignored.
- 園芸学会の論文
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