碗豆の花芽分化並びに開花結実に関する研究(第4報) : 開花結実について
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This paper deals with the results of studies on the flowering and fruiting in peas. 11 varieties -were used and they were sown twice, i.e., on Nov. 29th. (1952) and March 10th. (1953). (1) Early varieties tend to flower and to finish flowering earlier than late ones. There are varie-tal differences in the number of flowers per plant. Total number of flowers depends upon the tall-ness (pole or dwarf), the number of 2-flowered inflorescences, branching habit and so on. (2) The number of pods per plant varies with varieties. Among the pods, some parthenocarpic ones are found and they generally seem to develop from flowers which open later in the flowering period. (3) In the plot sown on Nov. 29th., flowers set well during the early and middle periods of flowering season, but in the end period set percentage is very low. But in the plot sown on March 10th, there is no such clear tendencies. (4) The order of flowering among the nodes which bear flowers is the same as that of the de-velopment of flower buds. Most pods distribute at the rather lower nodes of main stem and com-paratively vigorous branches. (5) The number of 2-flowered inflorescences per plant is considerably larger in some varieties than in some other varieties. The distal flowers of the most 2-flowered inflorescences open on the next day of the anthesis of the proximal ones. (6) In 2-podded cluster, the proximal pod is longer and contains more seeds than the distal pod. But because there is little difference in the number of ovules per pod between the proximal and distal pod, the fertility of the ovules in the proximal pod is higher than that of the distal one.
- 園芸学会の論文
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