A Rapid and Simple Turbidimetric Method for Pancreatic Juice Lipase
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A rapid and simple turbidimetric method for the determination of the lipase in pancreatic juice is described. This method is the modified Vogel & Zieve turbidimetric method for the determination of serum lipase. Fatgen is emploied as the triglyceride sauce of substrate. The substrate is 0.01% triglyceride in Tris buffer, with sodium deoxycholate.The lipase unit with a nearly pure sesame oil as substrate is slightly increased than that with Fatgen. There is no difference between values with two different concentration (0.01%, 0.02%) of triglyceride in substrate.The pancreatic juice contains a lipase with optimal action at pH 8.6 and sodium deoxycholate concentration of 0.35%.
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