Distribution of glutathione S-transferase isozymes in rat small intestinal mucosa.
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We have investigated the longitudinal distribution of glutathione S-transferase (GST) isozymes in the trisected small intestine mucosa of rats. Only GST subunits 1 and 7 were detected by Western blot analysis of the intestinal cytosol using antiserum for GST1-1, 1-2, 3-4 and 7-7. Cytosolic GST1-1, 3-4 and 7-7 were assayed by the quantitative ELISA. There was a marked decline of the concentration of GST1-1 from proximal (35.17nmol/g tissue) to distal intestine (1.67nmol/g tissue). GST3-4 was hardly detected in the intestinal mucosa. Among the GSTs, GST7-7 existed in the highest concentration in any segment of intestine, i.e. 58.76nmol/g tissue (61% of GSTs) in the proximal intestine and 32.38nmol/g tissue (93% of GSTs) in the distal intestine.
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