- 論文の詳細を見る
The hair from 9 children living in a Keshan disease prevalent district and from 10 children living in a Keshan disease non-prevalent district in China was analyzed. At the same time, the hair from 35 children of the same age residing in Tsukuba district in Japan was analyzed for comparison of the concentration of essential trace elements with that of children living in the Keshan disease prevalent district. Se concentration was determined by a fluorophotometric method and 16 other elements were analyzed by ICP emission spectrometry. Hg was analyzed by the heating evaporation method and by neutron activation analysis. The Se concentration in the hair of children living in the prevalent district was very low, being one-tenth that of the Japanese. The Ni concentration was particularly low in the prevalent district, and it determined to study more about the effects of Ni deficiency on health. In the prevalent district, Mg and Ca levels were low and those of Pb, Fe, Al, Ti were relatively high. Mn concentrations of both districts in China were very high when compared to the Japanese. The results of this study showed that the low Se concentration in Keshan disease is in agreement with previously reported data. Ecological factors, including nutrition were considered to be important in the etiology of this disease.
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