地図化能力の発達に関する一考察 : 生まれ持つのか, 習得するのか
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This paper summarizes the debate between Blaut and Downs (and his collaborator, Liben) concerning the development of mapping abilities of young children.Jean Piagets theory of cognitive development has been one of the most influential theories in the field of cognitive mapping research. Two essential elements of Piagets theory regarding the developmental sequence of spatial abilities with age are nativism and constructivism. A forum in the Annals of the Association of American Geographers journal in 1997 on the mapping abilities of young children helped to distinguish the intrinsic duality of Piagets developmental theory and its influence on the debate between Blaut and Downs/Liben.Both Blaut and Downs/Liben studied young childrens ontogenetic development of mapping abilities, but they examined different aspects of Piagets theory. On the basis of nativism, Blaut recognized that children can perform various mapping tasks regardless of age, and he insisted that children naturally possess mapping abilities, whereas Piaget implied that they could not. In contrast, on the basis of constructivism, Downs and his colleagues emphasized that childrens mapping abilities are the effect of both direct and indirect learning experience, and they pointed out some deficiencies in Blauts testing method.In spite of their contrasting standpoints, both researchers were influenced by Piagets theories, but emphasized different aspects of the complex process of cognitive mapping development.
- 人文地理学会の論文
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