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In an attempt to develop the application of thio-β-diketones as analytical reagent, the determination of mercury compound by thiodibenzoylmethane was investigated. Thio-β-diketones including thiodibenzoylmethane were prepared by an advantageous method of synthesis. Thiodibenzoylmethane was chosen among the various kinds of thio-β-diketones prepared, because of its easiness of preparation and its high stability. Radioisotope dilution method using thiodibenzoylmethane as the extractant was stisfactory for the determination of the amount down to 10<SUP>-7</SUP> g of mercury. A known amount of radioactive mercury (<SUP>203</SUP>Hg) and a substoichiometric amount of thiodibenzoylmethane were added to the sample solution, and the chelate formed was extracted into chloroform at pH 4.<BR>The amount of mercury was calculated from the activity of the chloroform phase. Interferences from other metal ions were practically negligible. Thiodibenzoylmethane forms extractable chelates in chloroform with cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, cadmium and lead, but it can not be considered as an excellent reagent for the spectrophotometric method, because it has strong absorption in visible regions. Therefore, radioisotopic tracer technique is considered to be particularly effective for the application of thiodibenzoylmethane as well as of the other thio-β-diketones.
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