サンマの生化学的研究-II : 水分及び粗脂肪含量
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In the previous report, authors found that among general components, the crude fat and moisture contents of meat varied with the size of fish and fishing seasons. In this report, de-terminations were made on nine skipper samples caught at different times in the fishing season of Augast to December of 1952. The fishes were divided into three groups by body length (a<b<C), and some of them were then subdivided into two groups by fat index (d<e). The results were as follows. 1. The fat index and the crude fat content of skipper meat in 1952 were lower than that of 1951. The correlation coefficient between the fat index and the body length was +0.56. 2. From the sum of the moisture and crude fat contents, the skipper samples in 1952 were clearly didided into two groups. One group, which was caught before November 20th, had an average value of 79.77%, with the standard deviation of 0.91, while the other group, which wa caught after November 20th, had an average value of 77.07%, with the standard deviation of 0.69. The correlation coefficient between the crude fat and the moisture content was -0.94. 3. The correlation coefficient between the crude fat content and the body length was +0.72, and that between the crude fat content and the fat index was +0.70. The crude fat content became less toward the end of the fishing season. 4. From the data in this report as well as those in the previous one, the calorie value of the whole and the edible portion of skipper were calculated, and a some discussions were given about the calorie values of the fish in relation to its size, fishing season and year of catch.
- サンマの生化学的研究-II : 水分及び粗脂肪含量
- サンマの生化學的研究-I : 一般成分
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