Hepatic copper concentrations in various liver diseases.
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Liver-copper concentrations were estimated in 338 patients (337 liver biopsy and 1 necropsy of Wilson's disease) with various liver diseases except obstructive jaundice by neutron activation analysis. Levels of greater than 150μg per g. dry liver weight(μg/g·dw)were found in the patients with Wilson's disease, primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC), posthepatitic hyperbilirubinemia, fatty liver due to obesity, acute hepatitis, chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, and Dubin-Johnson's syndrome.<BR>Greater hepatic copper levels more than 100μg/g·dw were found in 30% (6120) of patients with fatty liver due to obesity. The high hepatic copper levels were decreased with improvement of fatty liver in four patients out of ten who had been treated by low caloric diet therapy. In PBC, the large socondary lysosomes frequenthy appeared around the nucleus when hepatic copper level has exceeded 200μg/g·dw.<BR>Copper was detected in the granules contained in the large secondary lysosomes by X-ray microanalysis.<BR>Organelles in the hepatocyte were intact when the lysosomal membrane of this large secondary lysosomes was normal.<BR>In chronic hepatitis, chronic active hepatitis showed greater hepatic copper levels than those of chronic inactive hepatitis (p<0.01).
- 社団法人 日本肝臓学会の論文
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