アユのグルギア症 : 魚類の微胞子虫症の防除に関して
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For the control of fish microsporidiosis, life history of the organism, process of infection and the possibility of chemotherapy, immunity and other remedy are discussed in this paper.<BR>Water temperature heavily influenced upon the shizoglony and sporogony of G. takedai, G. stephani, and G. plecoglossi.<BR>Artificial injection methods were established either by the skin or the oral routes.<BR>Drying, freezing, treatment with hot water, ultraviolet ray, cation surface active agents and chloric drugs were found effective for the inactivation of the spores of G. plecoglossi.<BR>Fumagillin was found to be promissing for the control of microsporidiosis (G. plecoglossi and P. anguillarum). Its effective dosage differed with species.<BR>The rainbow trout once infected with G. takedai seems to aquire strong immunity to the disease.
- 日本魚病学会の論文
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- アユから分離されたNAGビブリオの生理学的性状および病原性
- アユのグルギア症 : 魚類の微胞子虫症の防除に関して
- アユのグルギア症に関する研究―IV : 胞子の注射による人為感染
- アユのグルギア症に関する研究―III : グルギア症と水温の関係
- アユのグルギア症に関する研究―I : 新種の提案
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