Caloric responses of the unilateral sensorineural-hearing-impaired children.
- 論文の詳細を見る
Pure tone audiometry and caloric test were performed in sensorineural hearing-impaired children.<BR>The following results were obtained : <BR>1. In about 92%, the etiology was not demonstrable.<BR>2. Hearing losses of 58 children (81%) were severe. The mean hearing levels were more than 80dB.<BR>3. Nineteen children had a canalis paresis in the pathological ear. These results were correlated with either severe or progressive hearing loss. On the other hand, they did not correlate with any type of audiogram, history of mumps, and motion sickness.<BR>4. Air stimuli given to younger children produced poor responses, since their ear canals were actually too narrow to use the air caloric stimulator (Model NCA-100).<BR>5. From the frequency-histograms of nystagmus, air stimuli of 10°C for 60sec. were less effective than water irrigations of 4°C for 30sec.<BR>These results are significant, because the response of younger children to air stimuli is less accurate than the response to water stimuli.
- 日本めまい平衡医学会の論文
吉本 裕
山口 宏也
泉 聡司
真鍋 敏毅
山田 朋之
鯨井 和郎
山口 宏也
泉 聡司
吉本 裕
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