Adaptive Gait for Quadruped Walking Robot Using Force Sensor Attached in Foot.
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Walking robots have the potential to adapt to changes in walking conditions. However, it is necessary to sense these conditions and change the gait in order to realize this potential. In this paper, two kinds of gait generating schemes for a quadruped walking robot which can adapt to changes in the walking conditions are proposed. One is a gait which adapts to the position of the center of gravity (C.O.G) of the robot, and the other is a gait for inclined terrain. In the case of static walking, the position of the C.O.G affects the walking stability. The position of the C.O.G of the actual robot sometimes changes, and the gait must be changed for stable walking. The proposed gait adapting to the position of the C.O.G is able to change the leg transferring timing according to the position change of the C.O.G. The inclination of the terrain also affects the stability. The proposed adaptive gait for inclined terrain can change the leg transferring timing according to the inclination of the terrain. To perform these two adaptive gait schemes, only one-axis force sensors attached in each foot are used.
- 一般社団法人 日本ロボット学会の論文
- R08-(5) 革新的・知的フィールドファクトリの研究 (IF7) : 大型構造物組立の機械化システム
- 階層システム最適化手法の腕機構設計への応用
- 「作業移動型ロボット研究専門委員会」活動報告
- リム・メカニズムの研究
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- Adaptive Gait for Quadruped Walking Robot Using Force Sensor Attached in Foot.
- 跳躍機械の着地制御
- History and prospect of robot engineering.
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