Expression of beta 2-microglobulin on hematologic tumor cell lines (Molt-4, Daji, Daudi, K562) by interferon-α, β and γ in Vitro
- 論文の詳細を見る
Tht effect of IFNs (α, β, γ) against β2-microglobulin (β2-m) of hematological tumor cell lines (Molt-4, Raji, Daudi, K562) was investigated. The cell lines were cultured with IFNs in different concentrations and culture times. The amount of cells's β2-m in Molt-4 culture increased intensely by IFN-α, γ and increased with time up to 96 hours. In the Raji cell culture, the increase rates of cells's β2-m by IFNs were less than 100%, however the increase rates of supernatants' β2-m by IFN-α, β were higher than that of cells' β2-m. In Molt-4, K562 culture, when compared with the Raji culture, and opposite conditions occurred. Cells' and supernatants' β2-m in Daudi culture were not detected by enzyme immunoassay. Maximal expression of cells' β2-m in K562 culture with IFNs were observed for one day, that rate with IFN-γ was about 2 times higher than IFN-α, β. Thus, expression of cells' β2-m was observed to be stronger when tumor cell was cultured adding IFN which was produced by a cell similar to the cell line. It is suggested that β2-m is an important marker against tumor active condition and IFN effects in vitro for tumor therapy.
- 日本臨床免疫学会の論文
中村 浩彰
若杉 和倫
東京医科大学 消化器内科
鈴木 満
金 兌貞
山根 伸吾
坂本 昌隆
金 兌貞
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